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Maule Region (Chile)

VII Región de Maule

Last modified: 2024-09-21 by randy young
Keywords: región vii | maule | coat of arms: quartered | chile | south maule | maule sur |
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[Flag of Maule Region]
image by Ivan Sache, 4 February 2021
TYPE: Regional government flag
USAGE: [-S-/---]
RATIO: 2:3

Provincial flags of Maule Region
Click on the links below to see the list of communes and flags within each province.

See also:

About the flag

Region Maule uses now a white flag with the region's logo, which is composed of the region's coat of arms, without scroll, and the writing "GOBIERNO / REGIONAL / DEL MAULE", in gray, at the shield's right. A thin horizontal line, blue beneath the shield and red beneath the writing, completes the design. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

The logo is prescribed by Resolution No. 5,332 issued on 30 December 2014 by the regional government, which includes the Graphic Charter of the logo.

The coat of arms of Region Maule highlights the most relevant aspects of the regional identity. It is structured in four fields. The first, upper left field feature two green trees representing a species endemic of the region, called ruil, and accordingly, the region's forest resources. The second, upper right field, features a quill over a book, representing the inhabitants' resplendent wisdom, knowledge and historic and cultural heritage. The third, lower left quarter, features four mountains representing the region's four provinces; red is a symbol of fire, fertility, courage, force and power of the construction of future. The last, lower right field, is horizontally crossed by undulating water, symbolizing the fertility of the soil and the power of the rivers.

The institutional font is gobCL in its Light, Regular, Bold and Heavy variants. [8]

Ruil (Nothofagus alessandrli Espinosa) is an endangered species of southern beech. This species is endemic to Chile. It has a very restricted and fragmented distribution along 100 km of the Coastal Cordillera of Region VII (Provinces Talca, 35 05 S to Cauquenes, 35 50 S) where it has an altitudinal range of between 100 and 450 meters above sea level. Planting of pines has reduced the species area of occupation by 19% from 2016 2017 and the species has an estimated area of occupation of 116 km². The species extent of occurrence has declined by 16% for the same reasons and now estimated extent of occurrence is only 755 km². [9]

The flag with the coat of arms and scroll appears to be used only during official sessions of the regional government. [10,11]
Ivan Sache, 4 February 2021
[1] –
[2] –
[3] –
[4] –
[5] –
[6] –
[7] –
[8] – Region website (
[9] – Barstow, M., Echeverr a, C., Baldwin, H. & Rivers, M.C. 2020. Nothofagus alessandrii (amended version of 2017 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T32033A177350927.
[10] –
[11] –

Coat of arms

[Maule Region coat of arms]
image by Olivier Touzeau, 1 September 2006

Wikipedia has an informative but unverified page on the Coat of Arms, in Spanish. The shield is quartered: in First quarter is an oak tree, in Second is an open book with feather pen in honour of distinguished local writers, in Third are stylized Andes Mountains and the Fourth quarter represents the land and coast.

The Spanish Wikipedia page on the Maule flag links back to this FOTW page.
Alex Garofolo, 22 January 2016

Previous flags

Editor's note: There have been at least two versions of the Maule Region flag reported previously, though both bear resemblance to the current flag.

Version reported in 2006

[Previous flag of Maule Region]
image by Sergio Arenas, 4 October 2006

Model used between 1974 and 2002.
Sergio Arenas, 4 October 2006

Version reported in 2016

[Previous flag of Maule Region]
image by António Martins and Sergio Arenas, 23 May 2016
based on an original image by Wikimedia user B1mbo

The flag of Maule region is the Coat of Arms placed on a white field.

This design matches the one shown in the 2008 photo taken at the National Congress building (in WikiCommons at []): a white flag with the emblem, the lettering on its scroll being apparently "REGI N MAULE" in red serifless capitals.
António Martins, 23 May 2016

South Maule subregion

[Flag of South Maule subregion]
image by Steffan Giadach Axt, 19 July 2022

The territory of Maule Sur, located in the Maule Region, in the Republic of Chile, and is made up of the 8 communes of the Linares Province (Colb n, Linares, Longav , Parral, Retiro, San Javier de Loncomilla, Vila Alegre, and Yerbas Good) plus the 3 communes of the Province of Cauquenes (Cauquenes, Chanco and Pelluhue) and the communes of Empedrado and the southern (urban) half of the Constituci n commune, these 2 communes are part of the Talca province. The limits of Maule Sur are the border with Argentina to the east, the Maule River to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the uble Region to the south and it is made up of some 350,000 inhabitants. It has 2 mountain ranges (The Andes and the Cordillera de la Costa), three National Natural Reserves (Los Bellotos del Sur, Los Ruiles and Federico Albert), two Nature Sanctuaries (the Achibueno River and Constitution Rock), 18 National Monuments, 5 typical areas and a Nobel Prize, that of Pablo Neruda's literature in 1971. The South Maule is where the extinct Inca Empire (Maule River) ends and is part of the Pikun Mapu, a territory that, from the worldview of the Mapuche people-nation, correspond to the northern zone (between the Itata and Choapa rivers) where this people lives. In addition, it was the cradle of the town of the chiquillanes, already extinct and that left a cultural heritage in the territory. Twenty rivers bathe Maule Sur, most of them tributaries of the Maule River.

Maule Sur is in the process of being recognized as a region, a process that began in the 1990s and that currently, with the lifting of the new constitution, will be a new possibility of creating the region as a politically administrative territorial entity.

The Maule Sur flag, created jointly by Gonzalo Flores-Domarchi and Steffan Giadach Axt in 2022, is a mastilated design flag that in its 2:3 ratio represents the Pacific Ocean that bathes its shores on the blue field, the green of the central valley or intermediate depression that is an emblematic part of the essence of Maule Sur, and the white of the Andes mountain range, icon of the territory and the sun represents the presence of our pre-existing peoples, and the sun's rays, to the 13 communes that make up the South Maule. Considering the foregoing, the flag is seen as a relevant symbol of territorial and community identity, which is why it is spreading throughout the territory and surrounding communities, along with being used on the jersey of the Maule Sur soccer team and in various civil events.
Steffan Giadach Axt, 19 July 2022